
Monday 26 September 2011

Flowers in the House

Time does fly here, I can't believe we are nearly into October.. but today is lovely and not at all Autumnal.

Today its Flowers in the House at Jane's, so I had my pick of Roses to choose from as the Roses in my garden are flowering again with abundance.  Here is 'Iceberg' a lovely delicate creamy white Rose which always looks so natural in a vase.

and then there is the lovely Fennel flower, this has been a favourite plant of mine this year, I can't recommend it enough.

This Rose is a David Austin Rose called 'Port Sunlight'  I only planted it 6 months ago, (relevant post here) and its already quite established plus this is it's second flowering,


I picked up this old jar from a car boot sale, I love the label, although I think I would of rather it said Paris then Pickles :)



  1. Good morning Debs, your flowers are simply beautiful. I love your compositions too and the pickle jar! Have a lovely Monday, love Linda x

  2. Your Roses are lovely. Beautiful vignettes.

  3. So beautiful! You have a wonderful sense of style.

  4. Good Morning Deb. Not only did i over sleep i forgot Mr. linky.

    Now I'm running around trying to right my wrong.

    I love that pickle jar, better than Paris any day.

    And that rose is delicious.

    xo jane

  5. just beautiful. the flowers and photography.

  6. Beautiful flowers, Deb. And, I love the pan with the shell-fluted design. Bet it makes a lovely ... something yummy!

    Am thinking of adding a David Austin rose next year, so happy to see yours doing so well.

  7. Your roses are gorgeous and so great that they still have some time to bloom. I love your jars too, everything looks beautiful.
    Enjoy your week!

  8. Beautiful photographs. And I love those salt and pepper shakers.

  9. Deb, lovely combinations of lush roses and vintage gorgeousness! Hoping this wonderful warm weather means roses for a little longer... Bxx

  10. Hi Debbie,

    Your flowers look lovely. I like your new glass jar. It has a beautiful label!

    Happy new week,

    Madelief x

  11. Everything looks so nice, with such an English countryside flavour. I would never get tired of the atmosphere.

  12. You always have the most beautiful photos. The roses are fab. Sinead x

  13. Beauty abounds in your have such a keen eye for detail.
    Love the rose.

  14. I love your new rose. The color of a peach. Beautiful choice. Lovely photos. Humble bungalow said it true, you have a keen eye for

  15. Lovely photos and I adore the pickle jar. I agree the Fennel flower is super and looks great in floral arrangements. The Fennel plant grows very big. I had one planted in a small area that it out grew and I remember wrestling like crazy with it to get it out - it felt like I was doing battle with a Triffid!

  16. Goodness, you take nice photos...
    Love your little dabs of flower beauty.

  17. What a clever combination: I'm sure the pickles would have included some Fennel seeds, so, they really do belong together.
    It is a beautiful label. At first glance I thought it was toilet water and was then surprised to read pickles. Perhaps product marketing could return to aesthetically pleasing labelling.


  18. Hi Deb, love your photos and your little pickles jar...and your salt n pepper shakers...the roses are lovely. I have iceberg standards and carpet roses at home in Melbourne...though God only knows how badly the standards will need pruning...the kids aren't really into gardening....but they are such a prolific flowerer. Robx
    I'm off today to take some Autumn photos...have been a bit slack with my blog lately...just can't seem to get interested...perhaps some Autum colour will helpx

  19. Do you find the fennel has done exceptionally well this year? Ours has, can't remember it doing this well before, and lots of new plants have appeared in the garden, often quite a distance from the original one or two.

  20. Lovely blog and beautiful photographs Deborah,
    I have really enjoyed my visit and will be back again soon.

    Hope that you are having a good Tuesday.

    x Fiona

  21. Hi Debs, many thanks foe your visit and comments. Yes, I have a little bit of old blue and white but would like a few more pieces. Have a great week, the weather is incredible here today, so warm and sunny. I'm hoping my passionflower might be persuaded to open it's flowers. Love Linda x

  22. Deb- flowers always make a house more special. Your photos are absolutely beautiful. I love the backdrop collage that you made- so creative. Always- always your pictures make me say WOW!!

  23. Bellisimo todo lo que muestra, Gracias por compartirlo.

  24. Such pretty vignettes, Deb! I love Iceberg roses! :)

    xoxo laurie

  25. Lovely vignettes as usual. I haven't been around for a while so thought I's drop by. I believe the English summer is continuing and trust you ate really enjoying it.

  26. Your flowers are so wonderful and I LOVE the little pickle jar...divine!

    Have a great weekend.


  27. Hi Debs, just popped in to let you know you are missed. Hoping all is well with you and yours. Much love Linda x

  28. Have just found your site and think it is quite lovely! I love David Austin roses and this one would be a great addition to my garden.

  29. Popped over from Jane's......isn't it amazing what a SINGLE white flower can do ....... even in the most humble of it!


  30. Hi Deb, where are you...I hope all is well and that you're just having a break from blogging. I've been very slack myself...can't get too interested at the moment...a bit hormonal and homesick. However, we are going home for a visit in Feb, so I will miss a whole month of winter here...yay!! If you want to chat, my email is Robx

  31. Hey Deb,

    Are you okay? You're being terribly quiet - which, of course, you're quite entitled to be!! But I thought I'd let you know that I'm thinking of you...and hoping things are good...


  32. Thinking of you and wondering if all is OK.
    Carolyn xxx

  33. Deborah, you are far too quiet, and I see I'm not the only one who thinks so. Hope you are ok, we all miss your pretty posts and inspiration, it's not like you to go so long without posting, if you get a chance please post a little something to let us know you're alright, hugs, tami

  34. What beautiful photos, gorgeous flowers, and wonderful vintage treasures! :)

  35. These are beautiful objects. I absolutely adore the baking tray. Would love to get my hands on one of those:)
    You have a gorgeous blog, with beautiful photos.
    Hope to see you post again soon.

    Best wishes

  36. I love this touch, it is so refreshing. I will have to remember this. I am so glad I found your special place here. Thanks for sharing. I will follow on my way out so as I would love to visit again. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place and do the same. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to engaging and supporting your blog in the New Year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  37. Hi Deborah, hope to see you post again. Kind regards, Ann ~ Australia.

  38. I think it's cute that you put flowers in a salt shaker.

    -Zane of ontario honey
