I have waited till now before showing my garden as the different textures and greens are particularly good at the moment. Being a small garden I have tried to create interest throughout the year and have something in flower most of the time but I believe the garden is at its best in June, the colours are softer then.
I suppose it's a cottage style garden as the majority of the plants are cottage favourites and I grow food among the flowers such as strawberries, asparagus and shallots I also grow salad leaves and tomatoes which I grow in pots on the patio.

Before last year there was a small oval lawn in the middle of the garden now in its place is a path made from old roof tiles.

Its not a very neat garden I let things seed themselves and I grow organically so you will see holey plants but I don't mind this as I would rather see lots of wildlife. I use my own compost to mulch/feed and make Comfrey liquid feed for pots.

Comfrey flowers can be slightly insignificant but this plant is a particularly lovely purple variety.
We have a big snail problem in this area, I've tried beer pots berried in the ground which works but then you get the nasty job of emptying the pots which is really unpleasant, so now I just don't grow plants the snails like to eat, the only downfall with this is that I can't grow those beautiful vivid blue Delphiniums which I love, so I have to make do with Larkspur.
See the snails around here are just blatant.
I can honestly say I'm never a hundred percent happy with my garden I'm always changing it but this little corner at this time of year works quite well, I like the contrast of colours and textures, plus it covers my black plastic compost bin, slightly ugly but I find essential.
I have a particularly sandy bit near the patio area and its here I gown alpines, I like the tight round textured forms they create. There's also a small Euphorbia which is particularly lovely this time of year and only gets to a foot high and a purple Iris at the front.

I have a few box ball's at the back of the garden and of course herbs are everywhere, great plants, wonderful flowers, lovely scent and the added bonus you can eat them.
This Acer is over ten years old now and growing slow and gracefully on the wonk! ...I can live with this though.
I have a few peony's in my garden, a lovely ruby red one which is so old I cant remember its name a few pink Sarah Bernhardt's and this tree peony, it flowered for the first time last year and the blooms were the size of dinner plates.
This herb is Marjoram, which has a slight citrus flavour, it forms a low mat of green this time of year and I love how the viola has intertwined with it.
This Euphorbia is the first plant I see as I come out of my kitchen door, its quite a tall one its about 3-4 foot tall and it really glows.
A strawberry pot but I found the strawberries never did very well here so I now have alpines and succulents growing in it.
I'm linking today with Sara over at
a beach cottage for Good Life Wednesday